Jeff Rotmeyer
Founder & CEO

Originally from Vancouver, Jeff came to Hong Kong in 2005 for a teaching position in a Hong Kong public school. Soon after arriving Jeff got involved in charity work and was introduced to the homeless population in Sham Shui Po. This meaningful evening was an eye-opener for him and evolved into monthly - and now daily - visits to give food to the homeless community. He founded ImpactHK in 2017 and thanks to the support of thousands of caring volunteers, we have collectively made a huge impact for those experiencing homelessness in Hong Kong.

Jeff is passionate about standing up for marginalised communities who are typically held back and unfairly judged. He is dedicated to serving people who are homeless in Hong Kong and sees his role as an enormous privilege.

David Cheng
Chief Operating Officer

David had been working for more than 30 years in the field of Social Services and NGOs Management. He has been working in different areas including youth development, elderly care, uniform groups, volunteering, rehabilitation, public education, and other social welfare facets. In the past ten years, David has worked in top management roles in various organizations. He is especially experienced in Administration and Finance management, Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance, Talents Engagement, Organizational Leadership, Change Management, and other functional areas. David is committed to humanistic leadership and enjoyed working as a team player.

Head of Partnerships & Development

Ivan Ng
Head of Operations

Deep Ng
Head of Programmes

Isaac Ho
Acting Programme Manager (Community Development)

Eric Kwong
Acting Assistant Programme Manager (Community Development)

Roni Li
Communications Manager

Vincent Low
Fundraising Manager

Helen Ng
Senior Human Resources Officer

Samantha Wong
Community Education Manager

Shin Yeu Chew
Communications Officer

Grace Lau
Assistant Programme Manager (Casework Services)

Programme Team

Karen Wong (Senior Programme Officer), Teresa Chui (Senior Programme Officer - Employment), Nick Kwok (Progamme Officer - Night Care), Connie Lo (Programme Officer - Community Development), Cindy Cheung (Programme Officer - Employment), Joanna Yuen (Programme Officer, Half-time), TingTing Yang (Programme Officer - Night Care), Anna So (Programme Officer - Community Development, Half-time), Charlie Lau (Programme Officer - Outreach)

Casework Team

Jess Churk (Senior Caseworker, Half-time), Christopher Chan (Senior Caseworker, Half-time), Dion Chan (Caseworker), KK Wong (Caseworker)

Admin Team

Cheryl Ho (Senior Accounting Officer), Ken Yue (Senior Administrative Officer), Nikki Suen (Senior Human Resources Officer), Michelle Chung (Accounting Officer)

Cafe Team

Catherine Fung (Cafe Supervisor), Elsa Lam (Barista)