Get Involved

We have been privileged to have the support of the community every step of the way. And we still need your help! Find out how you can get involved with our work below

ImpactHK icon donate time

We couldn’t do what we do without the help of our dedicated volunteers. We offer a range of opportunities to give back. Check out how you can contribute below:

ImpactHK icon donate fund

Your support can make a huge difference to someone’s life. Find out how you can donate here.

ImpactHK icon SparkRaise
Raise Funds

Start your own campaign and become a fundraiser! Your support will result in direct action and a positive impact on the lives of individuals facing incredible challenges.

ImpactHK icon employ
Hire Talent

Do you want to make a lasting difference to someone’s life? We are inviting employers to offer job opportunities to people experiencing homelessness.

To find out more email

ImpactHK icon education
Education programme

We work with schools and universities to increase awareness and empathy for people experiencing homelessness.

ImpactHK icon join us

We are often looking for passionate and dynamic talent to join our ever-growing team of change-makers. Check out the positions we are hiring here.

ImpactHK icon makegift
Gift Items

Check out our wish list to see what items we are looking for at the moment. Kindly fill in the form and please be aware that we can only accept items on the list due to limited storage space.